News Test 2



// take url coming in and break apart into keywords
// online-gambling-and-poker-news
// would be 2 queries.
// need counter of parts in query.

match levels = full
1 – 51
2- >65
3 – 70
4 = 76
5 = 81

match levels – high =
1 word = 100
2 word = 50 ea 51
3 word = 33 ea >65
4 word 25 ea >74
5word 20 each >79

match levels – good =
1 word = 100
2 word = 50 ea 51
3 word = 33 ea >65 2/3
4 word 25 ea >49 2/4
5word 20 each >60 3/5

$search_type = “news”;
$query = “football news”;
$query = “free online poker”;
$query = “online poker”;
$query = “electronic warfare”;
$query = “carpet fibers”;
$query = “ipad2”;
$query = “nfl playoff”;

if ($search <> ”) $query = $search; // if ‘search’ variable exists, it overrides the built in query setting.

// require_once(“”);

$done = rss_kwd_aggregator($query, 10, $search_type);
// $done = rss_kwd_aggregator($query, 10, $search_type);

echo “done – $done
